Saddle Pad and Long Lines
Checking out the saddle pad.
Day 14
Previously opal had snorted at a saddle pad, so guess what's on the agenda today? It's not about riding her, it's about desensitizing her, letting her know these things won't hurt her and I'm going to keep her safe. She also snorted at a rope dragging, so I thought a surcingle and ground driving was in order.
Saddle pad is first. One snort, a sniff and nibble of the pad and she let me put it right on her back. Off and on both sides several times, mixed in with walking around, Opal was as cool as a cucumber.
Hey, this smells like my friend Ehawee.
Next the surcingle. Easy on, easy off, but she did nip at the straps as
I went to buckle it. We walked for a while before adding the lounge
lines. She had no issue with the first line, the second she was not
thrilled with when it touched her hoof and she pulled away. Since the surcingle had not been fully tightened yet, it slipped a bit and she
tossed out a few bucks. We regrouped and got all hooked back up.
A little unsure as to what to do at first, once she started walking and
heard the clicker, she fell into a nice rhythm in both directions.
Time to unhook and call it a day, but she was still snorting at the sound of the lines dragging near her, she even gave one another buck for being too close to her. I hooked up the ropes and let them drag behind her as I walked her in hand. A little unsure at first, she walked right next to me, but as we walked she calmed down.
The noise if following me, but its ok, I've got my Mom.
Time to get turned put to graze on some green grass with the other mustangs, which is her favorite thing to do.
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