Thursday, October 10, 2013

Quick update

Quick Update 
 Opal and me having a chat at the show last weekend.
 Photo by Sarah Takahashi

Day 48:

With such a busy weekend last weekend, Opal has been enjoying a few days relaxing and grazing.  Normally I like to post in groups of 2, but had to post about today's ride now! Before I get to's a few more pictures taken by Sarah Takahashi or her mom Tracy at the show last weekend.

 I just love them all!  Thanks Ladies!

Ok, so back to today's ride.  My plan was to work on some figure 8's and walk/trot extensions and collections to help get her build her stamina up.  Opal's figure 8's went very nicely, nice smooth turns and she's really beginning to move off my leg pressure...yay!

Figure 8's.  
I hated doing these as a kid, now they are my go to routine.

After the figure 8's, we went to the rail to start working walk/trot collections and extensions.  Extending is easier because any 'break' and Opal stops dead in her tracks.  At least she has breaks.  Sometimes she gets frustrated because she doesn't understand what I'm asking her to do, so she'll raise her head and try to avoid the bit.  I just talk her through it and try breaking it down another way to help her understand.  

Perfect example today was the side pass.  While I did not intend for us to do this, she did, so we went with it.  My outside foot hit the white fencing making the rail line shake, Opal stopped to look, so I took my crop and tapped several of the lines to let her see it was ok.  She then turned to face it and was side passing along the rail line.  Figured I'd give her the cues since she was already doing it.  She got frustrated with me just before I took the video, but I don't like ending on a bad note, so I asked her again.  

I really think I need to get a Go Pro and mount it to a post.

After the side pass, we started working on our trot.  She was not the biggest fan of me sitting the trot, she would lift her head up and out, but if I posted or 2 pointed, she'd go into a better and smoother rhythm and frame.  Its something we will keep working on.  As we collected and extended, she was a bit sluggish changing gears, so I gave her a little more leg encouragement and BAM!  She picked up the canter.  Yep....cantered to the left 4 strides before she halted.  The cowgirl in me took over as I shouted ya-hoo and praised Opal.   Well, now we had to try the other side.  Once again she eventually hopped right into the canter....then took a stumble in the deeper sand (ugh....the winds have been so bad blowing the sand around)  Since I was getting ready to halt her anyways, I just walked her out and left it at that.  

Opal's jeweled bridle lost some jewels on it after 3 rides (bummer!) but the tack store I bought it from Horse Town Tack let me exchange it for a new one.  It's the one I was originally thinking of getting anyways.  I like it, and I think it looks great on her.  Opal decided she wanted some coffee this morning as well.  Yep, she's my horse.

Mmmmmm, coffee!


Ehawee got another round of walk/trot lounging today.  She got a bit distracted when some of the other horses were getting their treats and she was stuck working.  Otherwise she lounged well.  She's not sore, stiff, or lame so that makes me happy.  I'm glad she can be worked, she's lost so much muscle from having to be off for nearly the last 10 months.

 Ehawee lounging.

After the two girls got to graze on some nice green grass.

Greener, longer grass in the round pen.

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