The Great Migration, Part 3.
Another beautiful day in Nevada.
Day 55:
was our final day in Nevada before going home. We had a few things to
do before loading to go home. First was the LRTC (Least Resistance
Training Concepts) play day, then Greg wanted to ride Amigo onto his
property, about a half mile from where we were and the play day would
be. Even though the play day was only a few houses down from where we
were, we loaded the trailer up anyways. We could have walked, but since
Opal was being a pill about loading in the trailer, she needed the
practice. After everything she did so wonderfully this weekend, I'll
take her being a pill loading....for now. She loaded almost perfectly,
only needed a little encouragement as she got up to the trailer.
We arrived at the play day and several horses were already in the arena rolling and playing. The three mustangs from California joined in the fun. We sent the whole herd, eight or so horses, around the arena trotting or cantering to get their wiggles out. Once the reached the end of the ring, they had to jump over a few barrels that were over on their side. It was a small jump and each one of them hopped right over. There were several of us in the arena to make sure the horses played nice and stayed safe, and we were all in helmets so we were safe.
I don't know of one horse that doesn't enjoy a good roll.
Next I took Opal into the obstacle course in hand. I wasn't going to ride her today, she had done too well, plus Opal is going through a growth spurt and I'm limiting her riding until she levels out. There was one obstacle she had not done what we don't have out here yet, Stepping up in a tire/platform. I walked her over to it, while I went to the opposite side and asked her to step up on the tire. She walked around instead, a few time actually. Finally I walked over it first and she followed right behind me. Back and forth we went, then I asked her to halt on top of it with all four hooves on it. It took a moment for her to get it, but she did.
The Tire platform.
After this, I went and got Greg and Amigo to head over to his property. Greg rode while I walked Opal and Cynthia, who lives in Nevada, walked her Arabian. The walk went quietly and we arrived at Greg's house. We gave the horses water and took turns getting drinks ourselves. I was holding Opal and the Arabian while Greg was holding Amigo. All of a sudden and at the same time, Amigo and Opal's ears perked up, they raised their heads and started breathing in deeper. Greg and I looked for something that would get this reaction from a horse, jack rabbit maybe?? A minute later the Arabian joined them. We were convinced there was something there, we just couldn't see it. A minute later, WHAM! Big gust of wind came up. Amigo isn't fond of wind and we had to trailer home soon, so I said we should head back and get the horses loaded asap.
The walk back was a bit faster paced as we didn't want to get caught in a dust storm. Willis met up with us half way back to make sure we were all ok and on our way home. We encountered one piece of debris on the way back, half of a box. Willis pointed it out as I approached it, so I stepped on it so it wouldn't spook the other horses and told the Greg and Cynthia to go past me. Apparently Opal watched me step on the box, and then did the same thing, at least she wasn't scared of it. Not wanting to get caught in a storm, I loaded Opal as soon as I could and this time she walked right in like a pro! We were on our way home. While the ride home was a windy one, we all arrived safely.
Day 56:
I went out to unload from the parade today. Opal pretty much had the day off, except I made her get in and out of the trailer a few times. Even the dreaded back spot. She had no issues today. She's back in her pasture with her friends tonight and has an easy week of grazing ahead of her. She's deserved a few days off to say the least.