Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year from The 3 Mustang Mares.
There hasn't been much going on aside from day to day things- if that. The rain has reduced us to one arena for the last several weeks. While Emmy and Ehawee are pretty good about lounging on a line, Opal not so much. In a round pen she is great, in the big arena...well...when she decides to go another way, its hard to argue with 1,100 pounds. I'll be working on that with her once we have the rest of our arenas open, its just not something I feel is safe to work on while others are using the arena as well.
We are looking at a wet winter this year. Thank goodness for covered arenas, I am able to get them out. Also, I'm thankful for a stall for my girls to get out of the weather in and good footing in their corrals. They might not be dry yet, but they aren't fetlock deep in muck.
Happy to be able to kick up her heels.
We wish you a wonderful and warm holiday season and a great start to a new year. See you in 2015!
From Emmy, Ehawee, and Opal.